Wednesday, December 5, 2007

AK-47 Assault Rifle

Автомат Калашникова образца 1947 года (Kalashnikov model automatic rifle of 1947) or widely known as AK-47 is the first assault rifle I tried my hands on (modeling it in 3D of course). I'm not sure why, but I guess the AK-47's symbolic use in conflicts involving liberation and freedom intrigues me.


Here's an image from the ALPHA era (circa February 2006). Yeah I know, it sucks. Yeargh. But it does look nice from far, and it takes less space (165Kb only) and time to render due to its simple crude design. Frankly it's made up of simple squares, tubes, and chamfer boxes mash together to form an AK-47. It's already in my Graveyard folder (you know the purpose of the folder by its name) but I'm keeping it just in case I need a fast, mass rendition of AK-47 from afar.

HAM: I have no comment on this ALPHA rendition. Well, it's my own creation anyways so mocking it will be no different from mocking my own child in public, which I won't do.

AK-47 (BETA)

Above we have my BETA rendition of AK-47 (circa June 16 2006). The assault rifle was made from ground up while using experience gained from making the ALPHA model. More details and yes, I've learned some tricks in skinning the rifle. Note the mahogany wood texture used compared to the simple brown texture from the ALPHA rendition.

HAM: LOL, I learned to make a lot of curves in BETA. In this BETA rendition I had a lot of fun curving the rifle, starting from the ammo clip all the way to tip of the rifle.

Above is the GAMMA rendition of my Kalashnikov (circa February 2007). Hell yeah more effort and details were put into it, and this baby comes with its own bullets (not in picture) and only weighs 160Kb. It will share other guns' gunfire flash animation though. However animation is only limited to removing and attaching the ammo clip,and well that's it. But at least the shiny but rusty effect compensates the limited animation, and I'm quite happy with it. :)

HAM: I'm impressed with myself. 1 year and 2 renditions later I got this model that I would like to call it a job well done.

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